
Here’s a list of equipments and tools that I use for work and personal work-like hobbies.


  • 13" MacBook Air M1 (Work, company provided).
  • 14" MacBook Pro M1 Max (Personal, experiments, personal projects).
  • Lenovo Q24H-10 23.8" Monitor.
  • Magic Keyboard.
  • Magic Mouse.
  • Sony WH-1000XM5.
  • iPad Mini.


  • Neovim.


  • I use plain old iTerm2.
  • I use Fish as my command line shell.

Other Dev-ish Tools

  • I use lazygit most of the time.
  • I also bought licenses for both Fork and Sublime Merge back when I was a normie. But admittedly, I still use them at times when I get frustrated at git log --graph.
  • TablePlus for relational databases. Caved in with the limited tabs, and now I got two licenses, one for my work laptop, and another for my personal use.
  • Figma at work, Penpot for personal endeavors.
  • Excalidraw for quick diagrams and even wireframes.
  • I still use Balsamiq Wireframes Desktop app. For some reason, it’s still faster to wireframe using Balsamiq.

Productivity Apps

  • Recently gave up on Bear, and switched over to Obsidian.
  • I still use Apple Notes when using my iPad because it got better Apple Pencil support.
    • Although admittedly, I find myself using Freeform more often than Apple Notes in my iPad during meetings. The infinite canvas behavior is just awesome.
  • We use Confluence at work… because Jira.
  • Slack for work.
  • Forcing Discord for non-gaming use.
  • 1Password for now, but figuring out how to ditch this one soon.
    • The older I get, the more Asian I become, i.e. the more cheapskate I become.
    • Bitwarden is great, but their desktop app isn’t.
  • CleanShot X.
  • Shottr when I need the pixels. Got a license, here’s to me hoping the dev continues to improve it. Still cheaper than Cleanshot’s PixelSnap.
  • Presentify for screen annotations while presenting. Easily the most used app that I bought out of impulse.
  • Maccy as my clipboard manager.
  • Grammarly. Still better than Microsoft Editor.
  • Firefox at work, just because.
  • Safari for personal use.
    • Not because it’s great, but because I’m trying out Apple Keychain as an alternative that would eventually help me ditch 1Password.

Other Apps for weird flex

  • I am unfortunately sucked into Steve’s walled garden, so I use Apple Music.
  • Apple Podcasts.
  • Reeder 5 to stay up to date with my favorite bloggers.
  • Kindle for my ebooks from Amazon.
  • Apple Books is a pretty decent ePub reader. Most books from Manning is read here, as it isn’t as nice looking to my eyes when loaded to Kindle.
  • OneDrive as my backup storage.
    • Side note: Microsoft 365 Family is the cheapest “known” cloud service out there, even if you don’t get to take full advantage of its office desktop apps.
    • My wife went back to Android, so we’ll use M$ for anything collaborative (Word, Excel, etc.).
  • iCloud for my photos, notes, and files.
  • Procreate for drawing.

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